Alien fishes
Expansion in the Mediterranean
The arrival and establishment of a species from another region of the world can alter the ecology of local communities. In the Mediterranean, an important entry route for tropical fish is the Suez Canal. In 2000, the species Fistularia comersonii was found for the first time and it has now reached the Iberian coastline.
Scientific framework
Within the framework of several international projects, data are being gathered concerning the presence of exotic fish in the Mediterranean for long-term monitoring of their impact. However, detecting new species at the start of colonisation requires us to be in the right place at the right time.
How to get involved
If you dive or fish, you can detect the arrival and expansion of exotic species and contribute to their monitoring. Take photos of fish you do not recognise or any invasive species described, and report their abundance, location and other simple but relevant aspects.

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Scientific team
Ernesto Azzurro
IRBIM CNR - Responsable de proyecto
Francesco Tiralongo
Houssein Elbaraasi
Benghazi University - Contacto Nacional(Libia)
Jamila Ben Soussi
Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie Contacto Nacional (Túnez)
Raouia Ghanem
Faculté des Sciences de Tunis Contacto Nacional (Túnez)
Alan Deidun
University of Malta Contacto Nacional (Malta)
Stefanos Kalogirou
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research Contacto Nacional (Grecia, Rodas)
Maria Corsini-Foka
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research Contacto Nacional (Grecia, Rodas)
Mohamed Hichem Kara
Université d'Annaba Contacto Nacional (Argelia)
Burak Ali Cicek
Eastern Mediterranean University Contacto Nacional (Chipre, Turquía)
Luis Peña Rivas
Área de Gestión Sanitaria Sur de Granada Contacto Nacional (España)
Jakov Dulcic
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries Contacto Nacional (Croacia)
Branko Dragičević
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries Contacto Nacional (Croacia)
Tarek A Temraz
Suez Canal University Contacto Nacional (Egipto)
Lovrenc Lipej
MBS National Institute of Biology Contacto Nacional (Eslovenia)
Murat Bilecenoglu
Adnan Menderes University Contacto Nacional (Turquía)
Flavio Gagliardi
Acquario Cala Gonone, Dorgali Contacto Nacional (Italia/región Sardeña)
Andrea Spinelli
Fundación Ocenogràfic
Alfonso Ramos Esplá
Universidad de Alicante
Andrés Izquierdo
Universidad de Alicante

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